Wednesday 8 October 2014

Research into Editing Styles - Miss Georgiou


Editing is the way in which a film is changed after it has been shot to make it make sense and come together successfully. There are many various techniques in editing that can create different effects within a film. Without editing, films wouldn't make sense and wouldn't be interesting for viewing as there would be lack in variation. In thriller films particularly, editing is used in many ways to create suspense, surprise and shock - 3 main elements that ensure a thriller's success.

I have chosen a clip from 'Saw 4' in which to analyse as it has a high number of edits within, which creates many different effects.

There is a negative/x ray filter edited into the clip which flashes very sharply, abstracting the clips natural colour. This is present just as the male character stands up in the room. This use of filter creates a feeling of fear, the feeling that someone else is there with the character but not visibly - like someone is in control. The audience is aimed to feel like this because, obviously the characters in the film are pretty much being controlled from the tasks they have to complete. Audiences are made to also feel tense and on edge due to the fact that what happens next is unpredictable and unexpected. The way the filter changes the overall colourings of the scene (in a flash) could reflect the negative change in the characters life due to the situation in which he is in. The colours are also not appreciative to look at and so creates a sense of discomfort and empathetic view of the character making the audience feel worried for the character in the next few moments that follow this scene. It is conventional to the thriller genre to have a filter such as this one in some parts as, it makes the film different, unique and grabs the audience's attention, keeping them fixed to the screen. It also creates a tense and jumpy effect on the audience as it is different to the natural look on the scene and is unexpected. Making the audience feel this way is conventional to the thriller genre as one of the main conventions of a thriller is to ensure that the audience are shocked and surprised and this is what a filter creates.

Another use of editing in this clip is a montage. This is shown when the male character sees 'feel what I feel' written on the door and various close up shots are shown together one after the other in quick pace. This builds suspense as the montage is very quick and so could reflect the panic he must be feeling or the lack of time he has so how quick time is running out. It keeps the audience on edge as they feel sympathetic towards the character for  the situation he is in. From how quick the montage is as-well keeps the audience feeling on edge as it also creates tensions and suspense as if it is leading up to something that may shock or surprise them. As well as this, it emphasises the message written on the door making the audience weary of its existence and that it must mean something important from the way it is clearly portrayed and emphasised. A montage is conventional to the thriller genre as it builds up suspense very quickly and is normally used to create a climax that occurs at the end of the montage. This gives more of an impact on the audience making them either jump or be shocked/ surprised. The use of a montage creates more emphasis on a final action whilst also creating deep emphasis and focus on what is in the content of the montage. It allows the audience to focus on these particular shots and the content specifically so they can recognise how symbolic these particular shots/images are within the scene. This creates suspense as to what significance these images have - a typical convention of the thriller genre. 

Timing of shots is also used in the clip where the male character first glances at the door with the message on. The way the shot is sped up slightly, enhances his reaction and makes that central and the focus of the shot. The audience are able to get a real feel for how he is feeling as his expression is clearly portrayed in this shot which means also that the audience can relate to him as they feel like they are part of the scene. It creates an effect of sympathy for the character but also keeps the audience feeling on edge because they know the situation but not what is going to happen. This is conventional to the thriller genre as to create shock or surprise there needs to be some sort of build up. Making shots slower or faster can create this build up really well especially if you have a prolonged shot and then something quick - it creates a really 'jumpy' finish. Making shots slower or faster gives a different look on the scene and can cause tension to be built. Tension being created is vital in a thriller as it helps build suspense and engage the audience. Therefore, timing of shots is conventional to the thriller genre from the effects it is able to create.

From researching the different ways in which you can edit clips and use them to create effects, has helped me in thinking of ideas of types of editing in which I will include in my own thriller opening sequence. I really like the use of montage and filter as it creates a real sense of enigma and so I will most likely use these types of edits in my thriller. Seeing how they are used in different ways gives me a use of inspiration. In my own thriller sequence, I will ensure that the montage and use of filter will be used in complimentary with each other. I believe this would create a greater impact as I could use them both to illustrate a flashback within the scene. Therefore, it will be recognisable that it is a flashback, whilst also creating the suspense and tension I will intend it to create. From including a montage and use of a filter in my final opening thriller sequence, it is clear that this research into editing styles has been beneficial to me. 


  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of how editing styles are used within the thriller genre. You have identified the correct points and have considered your examples well. You have also focused on the relationship with the audience well and the various emotions that are created.

    However, further analysis of the conventions of a thriller is needed, which will enable you to develop your analysis further. Also within your summary you need to consider what editing styles that you would like to include within your production in further detail.

  2. This post now demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of how editing styles are used within the thriller genre. You have analysed the sequence well and have considered the codes and conventions of a thriller throughout, which helps to support the points that you have made.
