Monday 13 October 2014

Individual Narrative Ideas - Miss Georgiou

Individual Narrative Ideas

A narrative is important as it creates a main purpose for the film. Without the narrative the film would not be applicable to watch as there would be consequently no reason in there being a film. Nothing would be able to be directed or produced without a narrative, as well as having no idea of target audience and election for actors of characters. 

A narrative for a new thriller could be about a girl who has a sister who was murdered a few years back. Ever since this incident the killer has not been discovered, yet the brother had also disappeared since it occurred. It turns out that what they believed that the sister is dead, but in fact the brother is killed by the sister and she is seeking to come back and kill the girl, to take revenge on the result of their childhood. I think this idea of a narrative is quite unique as the majority of killers tend to be male so this puts a slight twist on it. Additionally, not many thrillers have a conflict between siblings to the extent of murder so this also adds some originality. 

The opening sequence would include point of view shots of the sister who is shown to be stalking the girl (her sister). This would give the audience the perspective of the sister but they would not know that.  The audience would also not find out her identity at the end of the opening sequence as I would want to create that suspense and make them experience the feeling of wanting to see more. Furthermore, the setting would be isolated and there would be low-key lighting. These elements create enigma and tension and are also key conventions of a successful thriller. The setting being isolated will create more of an eery atmosphere and complemented with low-key lighting will ensure that the audience feel worried for the victim. Low-key lighting will mean that not everything will be distinctively visible including intricate detail, so this will leave suspense and the audience pondering as to what is lurking in the darkness. The girl will be represented as innocent and just like a normal everyday person so the audience can feel more relatable towards the character. In contrast, the sister will be represented as the opposite however, not so much in the opening sequence as her identity would be hidden. There would be a tense, eery, non-diegetic soundtrack with uses of diegetic on and off screen sound such as car engine and mobile for example. Use of silence will also be present to create prolonged shots to create a build up on tension in order to create an effective climax. In addition, the target audience would be a 15+ and anyone who enjoys watching thriller films with a certified age of 15 as the criteria would be a appropriate for this particular age certificate. It would include some violence and discriminatory behaviour and language but not exceeding the criteria and the limits that would push it to an 18. Most thrillers are targeted at 15+ year olds and so mine would be very much influenced by these thrillers. 

The way in which I will share this with my group is by discussing how it would be planned to be able to go through with bearing in mind the facilities we would be able to access. Then, the different ways in which the conventions could be clearly portrayed throughout would be discussed and elections of the most effective and vital conventions would be decided and considered how they would be able to be included in the opening sequence. We will then discuss other ideas and develop them until we have a final product for a narrative that we are all satisfied to go through with. 

1 comment:

  1. Your idea for a narrative demonstrates an imaginative idea for a new thriller film. You have focused on the codes and conventions of a thriller film well and have considered your opening sequence and what you would like to include.
