Sunday 22 February 2015

Evaluation - 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product represents particular social groups as the main character, (the victim) Chloe is very relatable to the target audience. She is around the same age as the target audience as she is a student who is very naive. For example, she is naive in the way that she discovers the photo of herself and doesn't really think much of it. She screws up the photo and carries on her journey home through the forest. The way she just disregards her findings displays that she is not aware of the consequences that may follow and the dangers that she is in fact in. She is also seen as weak and fearful as when she sees the antagonist, she begins to run but pauses as she feels faint. This shows a lack of strength in her to carry on and means that she is perfect for the victim as you feel that she is more likely to suffer. Situations such as the narrative of my opening sequence are commonly found in the news and so young people (our target audience) will feel empathetic and worried for the victim in question. This is because they can relate to them as they could only imagine what they would do in their situation and because of this they feel scared for their own life and others lives that could potentially be in Chloe's situation. Chloe was included in my thriller as she is a female which makes her a conventional victim, she is weak which makes the audience feel more sympathetic towards her and she is a student so, the target audience being the same age makes her more relatable and the actions that fall upon her, more impactive on the audience. Because of her weak and naive traits, she represents her gender in a stereotypical way. This is because women are expected to be vulnerable and less dominant than men. The antagonist is male and is dominating over her due to the power her as over her and therefore, this supports dominant ideology. 

The antagonist in my thriller is named Marius and he is a male dressed in black. He is represented as dangerous and harmful from the connotations that his black clothing suggests. The way he uses violent iconography to attempt to attack his victim shows that he is threatening and fearless. Using a knife is more personal than a gun so shows him as more dauntless. This also supports his gender as men are seen as strong and dominant over women. The fact that the female victim is scared and fearful of him makes him have a higher hierarchy than her. This supports dominant ideology and appeals to the target audience as the appearance of this antagonist is what the target audience would know to be weary and fearful of. Therefore, feel like when they are present in the scene that they are at a threat and feel a sense of foreboding.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 2, demonstrates a basic understanding of how you chose to represent your characters towards an audience. You have focused on the narrative element well and have started to consider the gender roles that you have decided to present.

    However, you need to ensure that you have also considered the age group of your audience and the ways in which they can build a relationship with the characters. You also need to focus on the mise-en-scene and how this was stereotypical to the characters and the audience.
