Wednesday 10 December 2014

Opening Scene Narration - Miss Miller

Opening Scene Narration

In our opening sequence, it starts with a long shot of Chloe walking down a road passing a telephone box with a man inside looking suspicious. The opening credits appear from the start of this first shot and a dim filter is also evident from the very start which is present throughout the whole sequence. Chloe is them seen in another long shot, this time walking towards the camera rather than sideways on. She stops as she realises that her phone is ringing and an over the shoulder shot is evident to demonstrate that it is her mum. It is clear that the conversation is about how Chloe is getting home as Chloe says that she is on her way home just about to take a short cut through the forest. After this, she puts the phone down and opens the gate leading into the forest, shutting it cause the diegetic sound of the gate be heard. Chloe is shown in panning shot walking gradually into the forest. She is then shown to spot something and with the use of an over the shoulder shot and close up, it is clear that she has spotted a CCTV image of herself pinned to a tree. From realising that the picture is definitely herself, in a medium shot her emotions show fear as she grabs the picture off of the post and scrunches it up. As Chloe walks out of the shot, Marius the antagonist has appeared behind her with herself unaware of his presence. When Marius is shown there is a short, piercing sound effect to emphasise his presence. There is then a medium shot of Chloe, side on, throwing the scrunched up picture in slow motion. The medium shot is then returned and as she looks around anxiously, Marius is no longer where he was a few moments before she threw the picture. Despite the weird event that has just occurs, she believes that the best thing to do is get home as soon as possible - so she carries on walking. She walks faster and faster as the night is fast darkening, as well as the fact that she is quite scared and confused at this point. There is a long shot of Chloe walking through the forest which progresses to a point of view shot from Marius' perspective with another sound effect which symbolises that it is him. Then a close up, high angle shot of Chloe's feet still walking through. Chloe hears something and so stops, looking around anxiously, shown by extreme close up shots of her face. As she begins to walk faster she notices someone standing in the distance dressed in black - Marius. His presence makes her think of the past events that have just occurred - her discovering the picture and the noises and so this is displayed through the use of a fast paces, flashing montage. When Chloe finally comes face-to-face with Marius there is a medium shot/point of view shot shown of her screaming at the camera. Chloe then turns and runs in panic and is shown running throughout the use of point of view shots, high angle shots and medium shots. Marius is show running after her through point of view shots of his own and Chloe is seen in-front of him, screaming in terror. Unluckily, Chloe trips and falls right in-front of Marius and it is clear that he is holding a knife. Marius gets closer and closer to Chloe until a sharp blackout occurs. Chloe is show running again but slightly stressed due to the fact that she has hurt her arm and we guess tis is from Marius but we are unsure as to how she has got away. She gradually runs our of energy and finds herself giving up as she begins to feel faint. A heartbeat is heard as many jerky, blurry shot movements are shown to demonstrate her disorientated emotions at this point and a point of view shot then follows as she reveals what is under her sleeve. It is evident that she has been deeply wounded by a knife cut and not she looks even more lost. Chloe is shown in a medium shot to be holding onto a tree until focus changes to her hand which lets go of the tree suggesting that she has fainted. A blackout is then evident. Not long after the blackout, a point of view shot from Chloe's perspective shows her obviously waking up but the unexpected appearance of Marius leans over her. Another blackout then occurs to symbolise the end of the sequence.


  1. You have provided a basic recount of your group's opening scene narration, explaining what happens at each stage to an extent.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you cover all micro-elements (only camera seems to have really been covered) used at each stage
    2) Should be longer than this

  2. Although you have included some sounds, you have not identified their techniques, or covered editing.
